---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.04
  Categories: Cookies, Holidays
       Yield: 72 servings
       1 c  Unsalted Butter -- At Room
     1/2 c  (Scant)
       2 lg Hard-Cooked Egg Yolks --
            Pressed Thru' Sieve
       1 lg Egg Yolk -- Lightly Beaten
       1 ts Almond Extract
       1 ts Vanilla Extract
       2 c  All-Purpose Flour --
   1. Using an electric mixer, cream together the butter
   and sugar in a mixing bowl until light and fluffy.
   Beat in the cooked and raw egg yolks and both
   extracts. Using a wooden spoon, gradually incorporate
   the flour to make a smooth, somewhat stiff dough. Wrap
   dough in plastic wrap and refrigerate 2 hours. 2.
   Preheat the oven to 350 F. 3. Roll out the dough 2/3
   inch thick on a lightly floured surface. (The cookies
   are supposed to be plump.) Cut into shapes with small
   1 to 1 1/2-inch cookie cutters - hearts and stars work
   nicely. Gather up the scraps, reroll, and cut out more
   cookies. Place 1/2 inch apart on ungreased baking
   sheets. 4. Bake cookies until they just begin to take
   on the slightest tinge of color, about 10 mins. Cool
   on wire racks and store in an airtight container up to
   1 week. Makes about 6 dozen small cookies.
   Recipe By     : Sarah Leah Chase’s Cold-Weather
   Cooking- ISBN 0-89480-752-8