---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02
       Title: SCALLOP SALAD
  Categories: Chinese, Salads, Seafood
       Yield: 6 servings
       1 lb To 2 lb scallops
       2 tb Olive oil
       1    Garlic clove
            Juice of 1 lemon
     1/2 c  Oil
       1    Clove garlic, crushed
       1 ts Ginger, fresh, grated
       1 tb Sesame oil
   SALAD lettuce red pepper, julienned fresh whole
   cilantro mushrooms (snow?) the ones with long stems
   and tiny heads
   Mix dressing ingredients and let sit while preparing
   the rest of the dish. Arrange on each plate a bed of
   lettuce, mushrooms on either end with heads pointing
   out, sprinkle red peppers from center out (like spokes
   of a wheel) and arrange whole cilantro amongst the
   peppers. Saute the scallops in the olive oil and
   garlic until just done. Drain and then pile in the
   middle of each plate. Pour dressing over top and serve
   Origin: Cooking with Yan, TV show Shared by: Sharon