---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02
  Categories: Appetizers, Ethnic
       Yield: 1 servings
            Version one:
     1/2 lb Fillo
     1/2 lb Butter melted
     1/2 lb Feta cheese crumbled
     1/2 lb Dry cottage cheese
       3    Eggs
            Version two:
       1 lb Phyllo
   1 1/2    Sticks butter melted
       1 lb Feta
      12 oz Cottage cheese
       4    Eggs
     1/2 ts Salt
   Prepare filling by combing all filling ingrdients.
   Prepare phyllo by using 2 whole buttered sheets, stack
   and cut into 6 strips. Use a heaping taespoon of
   filling on bottom of each pastry strip, use the
   triangle method for folding ( like folding up a flag
   ). repeat using phyllo and filling as instructed.
   Brush with melted butter and bake from 350 to to 375
   15 minutes or golden.These may be prepared and frozen
   prior to baking. Note: another variation is to use 1/3
   cup chopped walnuts to the filling.Both above versions
   are similar in ingredients but differ a bit .