*  Exported from  MasterCook  *
 Recipe By     : 
 Serving Size  : 6    Preparation Time :0:00
 Categories    : Poultry                          Main Dish
   Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
 --------  ------------  --------------------------------
    3      pounds        Chicken parts
      1/2  cup           Butter or other shortening
    1      medium        Onion -- chopped
    1 1/2  pounds        Tomatoes, peeled -- strained OR
    1      tablespoon    Tomato paste + 1 c. water
                         Water as needed
    3      cups          Raw rice (or less)
    2 1/3  cups          Water for each cup of rice
 Wash & wipe chicken.  Brown butter in lge. pot; add chicken. Brown on all sides. 
Add onion and let it brown. Add tomatoes (or diluted paste) and the 1 cup of
water. Cook abt. 20 min. Add 2 1/3 c. water for each cup of rice you will use and
continue to cook until chicken is tender (abt. 20 to 30 min.). Remove the chicken
parts with a slotted spoon and keep them hot. Add rice to the sauce in the pot,
stirring in the beginning to keep it from sticking.  Simmer, covered, until rice
is tender and has absorbed most of the sauce (abt. 20 min.). Remove from the
heat. Place chicken on rice, cover the pot with a clean towel, put the lid back
over the towel. Let stand for 10 min., then serve.
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