---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02
  Categories: Cheese/eggs, Greek, Harned 1994, Nuts, Salads
       Yield: 1 batch
       1 lb Chestnuts; roasted or boiled
       1 tb Onion; finely chopped
       1 tb Fresh parsley or coriander
            -- chopped
       1 ts Fresh sage; chopped
       1 ts Salt
     1/2 ts Freshly ground black pepper
       1 c  Yogurt or soft cheese
            Lettuce leaves
            Lemon wedges
   Pound or slice the chestnuts.  Mix together with the
   rest of the ingredients and serve with fresh lettuce
   leaves and lemon wedges.
   From _Greek Vegetarian Cookery_ by Jack Santa Maria.
   Boston: Shambhala Publications, Inc., 1984.  Pg. 107.
   ISBN 0-394-74197-8. Posted by Cathy Harned.