Date:    Fri, 11 Mar 94 09:53:19 EST
 From:    “Marita Perez (DSD)” <>
 This Mexican Rice recipe is an adaptation from the PBS show Mexican
 Mexican Rice
 1 C. Long grain rice
 1/2  Onion
      Crushed Garlic
      Black Pepper
      Canned tomatoes
 3 C. Water
 1 C. vegtable stock or water
 Fry the rice till golden brown (this is important for the flavor).  Be 
 careful once it starts browining, it will burn quick.  Traditionally you 
 would do this in oil, but I do it in a dry non-stick skillet and it works 
 pretty good.  Once the rice is golden add all remaining ingredients and 
 cook till the liquid is absorbed and rice is done.  
 The garlic, cilantro, and black pepper can be added to your taste.  I just
 crush canned tomatoes and don't add the liquid.  You can add the tomatoes
 to your taste also.  If you want it redder add paprika.  That is what my
 mother in law adds to all her dishes to get them red.