*  Exported from  MasterCook  *
                        Mary Mahoney’s Bread Pudding
 Recipe By     : Mary Mahoney’s Old French House (Rue Magnolia, Biloxi,
  Serving Size  : 6    Preparation Time :0:00 Categories    : Cakes &
   Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
 --------  ------------  --------------------------------
    6      slices        bread -- day old
      1/2  c             sugar -- plus 2 tablespoons
    1      tsp           cinnamon
    4                    eggs
    2      c             milk
    2      tbsp          butter -- melted
      1/2  c             raisins -- optional
    1      tsp           vanilla
                         --RUM SAUCE--
    2      c             milk
      1/2  stick         butter
      1/2  c             sugar
    1      tbsp          nutmeg
    1      tbsp          vanilla
                         rum -- to taste
                         --or rum flavoring--
    1      tbsp          oil
    2      tbsp          flour
 Break bread in small pieces in 1 1/2 qt baking dish.  Sprinkle
 cinnamon over bread.  Add raisins and butter.  Lightly toast bread
 mixture in 350 oven.  Add mix of eggs with sugar and vanilla.  Bake 30
 minutes at 350 or until set.
 RUM SAUCE:  Place milk, butter and sugar in pan and boil.  Thicken
 with roux made of oil and flour.  Remove from heat, add nutmeg,
 vanilla and rum (or rum flavoring).  Serve over bread pudding.
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